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Eastereggs in Footnotes - Citing the Unabomber in a Math paper

Hiding Eastereggs in Footnotes #

Laura Pudwell's 2007 paper "Digital Reversal Without Apology" contains an intriguing third quote, as evidenced by the accompanying screenshot.

Quote in a Mathematics Paper from 2007

The asterisk which denotes Ted Kazcynski's later success appears harmless, but when considered in the context of a mathematician turned domestic terrorist, it warrants a closer inspection. Rather, it is evident that this footnote is intended as an Easter egg for those who are familiar with Ted Kaczynski's identity.

Industrial Society and Its Future #

Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski killed 3 people and injured 23 others via 10 mail bombs across the United States. He authored the manifesto "Industrial Society and Its Future" (35,000-words) as a social critique opposing industrialisation, rejecting leftism and advocating a nature-centred form of anarchism. Currently, he is serving 8 consecutive life sentences.